Intimate Health


Over the course of her life, a woman’s hormones fluctuate. From adolescence to menopause through procreation, the body produces and the body endures. Add to that external disruptions caused by contraceptives, stress or different diets. Your skin acts as a reflection, expressing your internal anomalies. Zits, stretch marks, premenstrual syndromes, all hormonal causes can be regulated or appeased as early as the first treatment. Don’t shy away from your neckline and the contour of your bust. A deep treatment is a global treatment.


Every one of the natural supplements we offer was selected according to stringent quality control criteria. They have to meet, and even surpass, the norms established by Health Canada for natural health products and must conform to the best established pharmacopeia system such as the United States pharmacopoeia (USP), the European Pharmacopeia (EDQM), the Japanese pharmacopoeia or the German Commision E. All supplements must be both highly effective as well as very safe. These criteria apply to all supplements we offer, vitamins, minerals, proteins and herbal formulas.


Every one of the natural supplements we offer was selected according to stringent quality control criteria. They have to meet, and even surpass, the norms established by Health Canada for natural health products and must conform to the best established pharmacopeia system such as the United States pharmacopoeia (USP), the European Pharmacopeia (EDQM), the Japanese pharmacopoeia or the German Commision E. All supplements must be both highly effective as well as very safe. These criteria apply to all supplements we offer, vitamins, minerals, proteins and herbal formulas.

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